Brake pads are critical components in the auto braking system. Without these elements, the braking power generated would reduce, compromising the safety of your automobile. Also, the car wheels would start to wear down at an accelerated rate, and the entire braking system would sustain significant damage. Therefore, it is important for you to select and purchase the right replacement pads for your vehicle. If you are uncertain about the best choice for your needs, consider this short discussion on the popular brake pads.
Organic Brake Pads
In the past, brake pads were manufactured using asbestos because of its favourable properties. The asbestos fibres generated sufficient friction for better vehicle handling. In addition, the material can handle the high temperatures without quick degradation. Unfortunately, asbestos fibres are dangerous when inhaled into the respiratory system. They can cause dangerous conditions such as lung cancer and asbestosis.
The material was replaced with alternative fibres without such negative health repercussions. Organic brake pads are manufactured using natural fibres extracted from glass, rubber and Kevlar. Due to the nature of these materials, the brake pads produce little noise when the car stops. The products are lightweight, so they are suited for smaller cars or other automobiles which are not used for aggressive driving.
Semi-Metallic Brake Pads
The primary disadvantage of organic brake pads is that these elements wear away considerably fast due to the friction created when braking. Semi-metallic brake pads present the ideal alternative. As implied, these products are fabricating by combining metal fibres with a synthetic resin mix. The metal fibres are extracted from materials such steel, copper wire and iron. The presence of metal makes the brake more hardwearing and durable and highly resistant to heat.
On the other hand, you should note that the hardness of metal brake pads can exert too much mechanical pressure on the brake rotors. Consequently, the rotors will wear out a little faster. In addition, these pads tend to generate noise when braking. If you want to avoid these detriments in your small and normal vehicle, consider installing low-metallic pads. These have lower metal content which reduces the detriments.
Ceramic Brake Pads
If you are interested in durable high-performance brakes, you should consider installing ceramic brake pads. These components can handle heavy vehicles and aggressive driving such as high speed, sudden and frequent stops and sharp turns. They do not cause rotor wear, and they produce minimal noise during use. The only drawback is that the cost of purchase is higher than the alternatives.